Magnet Programs at Santa Fe High School

  • Academy of AgriScience


    Santa Fe High School believes agriculture and agribusiness are essential to regional, national, and global economies. We recognize that agricultural and environmental technologies are vital to global survival. Therefore, it is our mission to offer progressive agricultural education, a challenging academic curriculum, and work experience that prepare our students for continued learning. We are committed to providing a quality educational environment that recognizes diversity in student backgrounds, individual learning styles, and varying abilities. It is the responsibility of the school community to provide a positive learning environment fostered through mutual respect and dignity.


    Academy of Veterinary Assisting

    Institute of Biotechnology

    Biotechnology is the technological application of living organisms or their derivatives, such as DNA, proteins, or cells, to make or modify new products or processes. Biotechnology is "DIVERSE" in application; in research and industry such as: agriculture, pharmacology, bioinformatics, environmental and many more sciences. At Santa Fe High School, we continue to progress and evolve as new technologies open up new possibilities for scientific research and understanding. The Institute of Biotechnology offers students the opportunity to prepare for career paths in a variety of fields, including medicine, pharmaceuticals, and forensics, through hands-on learning in a state-of-the-art laboratory.

    For general questions about magnet programs, please call (352) 955-7622 for assistance. 

Non Discrimination & Equal Opportunity

  • The Alachua County Public Schools District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, age, disability (Section 504/ADA) sexual orientation, gender identity or marital status, genetics or legally-protected characteristics in its educational programs, services or activities, or in its hiring or employment practices. The district also provides equal access to its facilities to the Boy Scouts and other patriotic youth groups, as required by the Boys Scout of America Equal Access Act.

    Lack of English Language Skills will not be a barrier for participation.

    Questions, complaints, or requests for additional information regarding discrimination or harassment:  

    For employees, contact Alisha Williams via email williamsar or call (352) 955-7729.
    For students, contact Dr. Toni Griffin via email griffints1 or call (352) 955-7671.

    Note: Email addresses are followed by